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About WEP

The Wellness Empowerment Program (WEP) is a school-based mental health capacity building initiative which promotes positive mental health outcomes in children, youth, families, and individuals in the community. WEP began serving schools in Calgary in 2007, and we currently serve independent and charter schools, Tsuut’ina Nation and Stoney Education Authority.


The Wellness Empowerment Program team are employees of Renfrew Educational Services and work within schools and communities to provide a safe, caring, and welcoming space for students to enhance their knowledge and skills to support positive mental health. WEP’s work is aligned with the Alberta Education curriculum and is done in collaboration with teachers, students, and families. WEP also provides professional development for school staff, information sessions for parents, participates in community events, and throughout the summer provides community-based programs.


WEP supports positive mental health through:


• Raising awareness about mental health

• Increasing knowledge around what contributes to positive mental health outcomes

• Supporting students to build personal skills (such as self-care, self-regulation, identifying and        managing emotions, conflict resolution, etc.)

• Fostering positive community norms (such as support networks, physical safety, psychological       safety)

• Facilitating access to early intervention and treatment for students and families

• Increasing knowledge of and access to community resources and services.


WEP is funded by Alberta Health Services.

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About The Wellness Empowerment Program
Evidence-Based Programs
WEP uses a variety of evidence-based programs to support the mental health, social and emotional learning, and skill development of the students and communities we work with. The programs we implement vary based on the unique needs, strengths, and resources of each school we support. Some of the programs we use include:
Mental Health Literacy

The Zones of Regulation

Strong Kids


A Little Spot
Evidece Based Programs


Wellness Empowerment Program (WEP)


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For immediate mental health support, contact a crisis support service:

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© 2020 Wellness Empowerment Program

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